24 a 24 May. 2023 - 09:00

Symposium: Update on Primary Cutaneous Lymphomas

Registrations are now open for the Symposium "Update on Primary Cutaneous Lymphomas", hosted by the Champalimaud Foundation and taking place on the 24th of May 2023.

Symposium: Update on Primary Cutaneous Lymphomas

Symposium "Update on Primary Cutaneous Lymphomas"
May 24, 2023

Venue: Seminar Room @ Champalimaud Foundation, Main Building, 2nd Floor
Host Organisers: Daniela Cunha, Miguel Correia & Maria Sanches

Primary cutaneous lymphomas consist of B- or T-cell lymphomas with exclusively cutaneous expression at the time of diagnosis. The clinical presentation of these tumors is variable, and their diagnosis and classification should be based on the combination of clinical, histopathological, immunophenotypic and genetic data. Therefore, the diagnosis and treatment of these tumors benefits from a multidisciplinary approach combining various specialties and diagnostic techniques.

What is the best diagnostic strategy in each subtype of primary cutaneous lymphoma? What are the main difficulties in the diagnostic management and therapeutic approach of these patients? Adequate management of these cases is critical in obtaining the best therapeutic results and the highest survival rate. 

Next May 24th, specialists from various areas involved in the diagnosis and therapy of primary cutaneous lymphomas will share their knowledge and experience applied to clinical practice in a symposium dedicated to this disease.

Do join us for this symposium at the Champalimaud Foundation Seminar Room on May 24th!

Registration is free but limited to available seats.

Check the full programme here.

Symposium: Update on Primary Cutaneous Lymphomas
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